
Thursday, March 17, 2022

MUSEUM SHIPS WEEKEND 0000Z June 4, 2022 to 2359Z June 5, 2022


sponsored by:

The Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station

Please read the following 2 articles which should help explain some problems that arise when checking your logs.

MSW FAQ                                       UTC Time


(updated 09 March 2022)
 Ships with asterisks are new to Museum Ships Weekend
Please QSL each ship directly

You can download an excel spreadsheet with all ships listed by
1) callsign 2) ship name 3) type of ship
Click here to downolad the file:   

14.070 MHz      10.142 MHz      18.100 MHz      21.070 MHz      28.120 MHz

FT8: Frequencies
3.573 MHz, 5.357, 7.074 MHz,10.136 MHz,14.074 MHz,
18.100 MHz, 21.074 MHz, 24.915 MHz, 28.074 MHz, 50.313 MHz

FT4: Frequencies
3.575MHz, 7.047MHz, 10.140MHz, 14.140MHz, 18.105MHz,
21.140MHz, 24.919MHz, 28.180MHz, 50.318MHz

Some ships could also be on
3880 KHz - 3885 KHz and 7290 KHz Amplitude Modulation
with either their ships original equipment or modern equipment.

How to monitor Ham Radio frequencies in the Russian-Ukraine war