
Saturday, April 23, 2016


Found on the website of the Battleship New Jersey:

sponsored by
The Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station

June 4-5, 2016
0000Z June 4,  to 2359Z June 5, 2016

KD3CQ 54
AE5YN 53
KE7A 51
K5BUD 50
K6YN 47
K6XN 46
K4MIA 46
K6ON 45
AH6AX 45
W0YJT 44
K5JIM 43
WS6K 42
N4SC 42
NC0JW 41
AB9V 41
K4EZS 41
AJ4XL 40
All stations that work at least 15 different ships of those participating (listed below) will receive a certificate if they send a copy of their log entries showing these contactsWorking the same ship on different frequencies DOES NOT count as 2 ships.  Working a ship not listed will not count
We will post more information on certificates later. In the meantime, please read the following 2 articles which should help explain some problems that arise when checking your logs.
MSW FAQ                                       UTC Time

Ships wishing to participate should send a note to  with the name of ship, callsign, location and contact info for person responsible. If you are having trouble reaching the museum e-mail address, please send info to this address instead:
Please read the rules for ships wishing to participate before contacting us.

You can download the excel spreadsheet with all ships listed by 1) callsign 2) ship name 3) type of ship It will be posted on Friday June 3, 2016 just before the start of the event.

SHIPS PARTICIPATING FOR 2016 - 85  Ships(updated 23 April 2016)** Ships with asterisks are new to Museum Ships WeekendPlease QSL each ship directly

         NAME                             TYPE OF SHIP                     LOCATION                 CALLSIGN 
     K1USN                                  Watson Museum                  Braintree, MA               K1USN 
     USS Hornet                             Aircraft Carrier               Alameda Point, CA           NB6GC 
     USS Yorktown                           Aircraft Carrier               Charleston, SC              WA4USN
     USS Lexington                          Aircraft Carrier               Corpus Christi, TX          W5LEX 
     USS Intrepid                           Aircraft Carrier               New York, NY                WA3KEY/2
     USS Midway                             Aircraft Carrier               San Diego, CA               NI6IW 
     ST-695 Angels Gate                     Army Tugboat                   San Pedro, CA               K6AA  
     USS New Jersey                         Battleship                     Camden, New Jersey          NJ2BB 
     USS Iowa                               Battleship                     San Pedro, CA               NI6BB 
     USS Missouri                           Battleship                     Pearl Harbor, HI            KH6BB 
     USS Wisconsin                          Battleship                     Norfolk, Virginia           N4WIS 
     USS Texas                              Battleship                     Houston, Texas              NA5DV 
     USS Oklahoma Mast Memorial             Battleship Mast Memorial       Muskogee, OK                WW2OK 
     MV Cap San Diego                       Cargo Ship                     Hamburg,Germany             DL0MFH
     Ex MV Dresden                          Cargo Ship                     Rostock, Germany            DL0MCM
     **Claud W Somers                     Chesapeake Bay Skipjack          Reedville, VA               W4NNK
     USS Cairo                              Civil War Ironclad Gunboat     Vicksburg, MS               K5ZRO
     USCG Ingham                            CG Cutter                      Key West, FL                NR4DL
     USS Potomac                            CG Cutter/Pres. Yacht          Oakland, CA.                NE6JP
     USS Olympia                            Cruiser                        Philadelphia, PA            WA3BAT
     USS Littlerock                         Cruiser                        Buffalo, New York           W2PE
     HMS Belfast                            Cruiser                        London, UK                  GB2RN
     USS Indianapolis CA-35 Memorial        Cruiser                        Indianapolis, IN            WW2IND
     **USS Edson DD946                      Destroyer                      Bay City, MI                W8EDS 
     USS The Sullivans                      Destroyer                      Buffalo, NY                 N2HTL 
     HMCS Haida                             Destroyer                      Hamilton, Ontario           VE3RCN
     USS Turner Joy                         Destroyer                      Bremerton, WA               NS7DD 
     FGS Moelders                           Destroyer                      Wilhelmshaven/Germany       DL0MFX
     USS Cassin Young                       Destroyer                      Boston, MA                  WW2DD 
     USS Kidd                               Destroyer                      Baton Rouge, La             W5KID 
     USS Stewart                            Destroyer Escort               Galveston, TX               KK5W  
     **Evelina M Goulart                    Fishing Schooner               Essex, MA                   W1E   
     SS Grandcamp Memorial (June 4 only)    French Liberty Ship            Texas City, TX              AC0TX 
     D. Fernando II e Glória                Frigate                        Cacilhas Dockyard Portugal  CS5DFG
     Navio Hospital Gil Eannes              Hospital Ship                  Viana do Castelo, Portugal  CS5ARAM
     Kraisin                                Icebreaker                     St. Petersburg, Russia      R1LK   
     USCGC Mackinaw                         Icebreaker                     Mackinaw, MI                W8AGB  
     SS John W Brown                        Liberty Ship                   Baltimore, MD               W3TFR  
     SS High Flyer Memorial (June 5 only)   Liberty Ship                   Texas City, TX              AC0TX  
     LV Elbe l                              Lightvessel                    Cuxhaven Germany            DL0CUX 
     Carl D Bradley                         Limestone Carrier              Rogers City, MI             W8B 
     LST-393                                LST                            Muskegon, MI                N8LST 
     USS Lucid                              Minesweeper                    Stockton, CA                N6MSO 
     USS Hazard                             Minesweeper                    Omaha, NE                   K0USA 
     KRS 575 “Hans Beimler”                 Missile Corvette               Peenemuende, Germany        DL0MFN
     NSS Savannah                           Nuclear Merchant Vessel        Baltimore, MD               K3SAV 
     SS Cedarville                          Ore Freighter                  Rogers City, MI             W8C   
     SS Hohentwiel                          Paddle Steamer                 Bodensee, Austria           OE6XMF/HO
     Mannheim                               Paddle Steamer                 Mannheim, Germany           DK0LU 
     RMS Queen Mary                         Passenger Ship                 Long Beach, CA              W6RO  
     SS Rotterdam                           Passenger Ship                 Port of Rotterdam           PI4HAL
     SS Keewatin                            Passenger Steamship            Port McNicoll, ON           VA3VGC 
     SS City of Milwaukee                   Railroad Car Ferry             Manistee, MI                KS8B 
     John T. Essberger (Sun Jun 5 only)     Rescue Cruiser                 Speyer, Germany             DK0SP  
     PBR                                    River Patrol Boat              College Station, TX         W5PBR  
     Tall Ship Elissa                       Sailing Barque                 Galveston Island, TX        N5E
     Star of India (separate contact)       Sailing Ship                   San Diego, CA               NS6OI
     SS Ticonderoga                         Steamboat                      Shelburne, VT               W1T
     U-5075                                 Seehund Submarine              Quincy, MA.                 WW2MAN
     B-39  (separate contact)               Soviet Submarine               San Diego, CA               NS6OI
     USS Cod                                Submarine                      Cleveland, OH               W8COD
     USS Cobia                              Submarine                      Manitowoc, Wisconsin        NB9QV
     USS Nautilus                           Submarine                      Groton, CT                  N1S  
     USS Pampanito                          Submarine                      San Francisco, CA           NJ6VT   
     Novosibirskij Komsomolec (B-396)       Submarine 641-B                Moscow, Russia              RU3AWK  
     HMUb Nordkaparen                       Submarine                      Gothenburg, Sweden          SL8SUB  
     U10 (S189)                             Submarine                      Wilhelmshaven, Germany      DF0RI   
     Vesikko                                Submarine               Suomenlinna, Helsinki, FINLAND     OH2AN/SUB
     USS Dolphin (separate contact)         Submarine                      San Diego, CA               NS6OI   
     USS Blueback                           Submarine                      Portland, OR                W7SUB   
     USS Batfish                            Submarine                      Muskogee, OK                WW2SUB  
     USS Silversides                        Submarine                      Muskegon, MI                N8SUB   
     **USS Requin                           Submarine                      Pittsburgh, PA              NY3EC   
     USS Cavalla                            Submarine                      Galveston, TX               KK5W    
     HMCS Onondaga                          Submarine                      Pointe-au-Père, Quebec      VA2GNQ  
     NRP Barracuda                          Submarine                      Cacilhas Dockyard Portugal  CS5SUB  
     USS Becuna                             Submarine                      Philadelphia, PA            N3SUB   
     S637 Espadon                           Submarine                      Saint-Nazaire France        F6KBG   
     Nazario Sauro                          Submarine                      Genoa, Italy                II1NS   
     **Wilhelm Bauer (ex U-2540)            Submarine                      Bremerhaven, Germany        DL6T    
     U9  (Sat Jun 4 only)                   Submarine                      Speyer, Germany             DK0SP   
     U-995                                  Submarine                      Laboe Germany               DL0DMB  
     K24 (U-461)                            Submarine                      Peenemuende, Germany        DM3G    
     SS American Victory                    Victory Ship                   Tampa, Florida              W4AVM   
     Elettra (Marconi's Traveling Lab)      Yacht                      Pontecchio Marconi, Italy       TBA     

While operation on any amateur frequency is allowed,
most ships will be operating in the General portion of the bands

3,860 KHz   3,539 KHz
7,260 KHz
7,039 KHz

10,109 KHz
14,260 KHz
14,039 KHz
18,160 KHz
18,079 KHz
21,360 KHz
21,039 KHz
24,960 KHz
24,899 KHz
28,360 KHz
28,039 KHz
50,160 KHz
50,109 KHz
14.070 MHz      10.142 MHz      18.100 MHz      21.070 MHz      28.120 MHz
Some ships will also be on 3880 KHz - 3885 KHz and 7290 KHz Amplitude Modulation with either their ships original equipment or modern equipment.
While any operating mode can be used in this event and CW and SSB are the dominant modes, we are encouraging all the particpating ships, that have the ability, to fire up their original equipment on
3885 KHz, 3600 & 3625 (in the UK),
3705 (W. Europe),
7290 KHz and 14.286 KHz in the AM mode.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

CERT - Community Emergency Response Team

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) webpage:
Contact your local fire department for classes and information.

Quartzfest 2016 Video

Found this great video from this years Quartzfest! Thanks to Robert Brodovsky K6UDA for posting this on Youtube.